25-08-2015, 03:39 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2015
المشاركات: 95
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
عاجل: مطلوب موظفات خدمة عملاء لكبرى شركات الصيانة بالرياض
للجادين فقط
وظيفة براتب مغري
ترسل السيرة الذاتية على الايميل الموضح ادناه
ساعات العمل 6 ساعات من الساعة ال7 صباحا الى الساعة ال 1 مساء
او من الساعة ال ا مساء الى الساعة ال 7 مساء
We are looking for female Helpdesk Operators
If interested send your CV to
The incumbent in this position is responsible for taking/answering incoming calls or emails from the clients/guests and coordinates the requested job to the concerned department by issuing work ****** for delivering the required services..
The job of Helpdesk Operator is executed satisfactorily when:
The incoming job request calls/emails are being log, process work order and coordinated to the concerned department to complete and sign-off the request.
Well maintained and zero complain.
Business processes are strictly monitored and followed.
Pr***ding a fully operational and effective Helpdesk/Switchboard facility.
Pr***ding a professional call handling service to direct, indirect customers and staff alike. In particular paying close attention to emergency calls and alarms.
Receiving/transferring of calls from internal/external customers.
Record all requests, forward information by telephone or email.
Creating work ****** from customer requests.
Following up the outstanding work ****** with the resources.
Closing finished jobs.
Preparation and forwarding of reports
Accept the shifts (AM/PM) working hours.
Any other reasonable requests as business needs.