01-08-2016, 01:41 PM
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2012
المشاركات: 149
معدل تقييم المستوى: 25
وظائف لدى شركة أبناء حسن عبدالكريم القابضة
Our company HAKA is currently in need of Research Lab Technologist. Kindly refer to the profile below:
• Work location: Dhahran & Grade code between 8 to 11
• Lab Scientist / Sr. Lab technician with Drilling Fluid testing are most prefereble
• Mud Engineering Experience will be added advantange
• API standards Testing is a big plus
• NO Refinery testing expeirence is required.
This position is open to both Male & Female, Saudis & Non Saudis
Minimum of 3 years related experience is required
Interested applicant may send his/her updated CV to rc6@haka.com.sa & rc7@haka.com.sa using the subject line:
"Eastern Province: Research Lab Technologist (Nationality) - Saudi ID or Passsport Number"
For further details about this exciting opportunity kindly contact Mr. Fahad ,Sr. HR Officer
Mobile # ************
Office: +966.845.7680 Ext. 103
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الراآسيه ; 01-08-2016 الساعة 02:57 PM
سبب آخر: ممنوع بالشواغر النسائيه.