08-10-2016, 02:38 PM
عضو سوبر
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
الدولة: المدينه المنوره
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 30
رد: تجمع المتقدمين والمتقدمات على وظائف معيد-ه- جامعة بيشه 1437هـ
اختار احد 3 مواضيع للكتابة عنها
منها literature and society
اسئلة من خيار متعدد بالادب خاصة بالمصطلحات الادبية
كتابة عن رواية او دراما درستها وتختار نقطة من 3 نقاط للكتابة عنها انا اخترت plot
جات هذه الاسئلة بالظبط لاحد القصائد طبعا نسخ لصق للاسف من احد المواقع
By Annie Matheson
SOFT silence of the summer night!
Alive with wistful murmurings,
Enfold me in thy quiet might:
Shake o'er my head thy slumb'rous wings,
So cool and light:
Let me forget all earthly things
In sleep to-night!
Tired roses, passionately sweet,
Are leaning on their cool green leaves,
The mignonette1 about my feet
A maze of tangled fragrance weaves,
Where dewdrops meet:
Kind sleep the weary world bereaves
Of noise and heat.
White lilies, pure as falling snow,
And redolent2 of tenderness,
Are gently swaying to and fro,
Lulled by the breath of evening less
Than by the low
Music of sleepy winds, that bless
The buds that grow.
Review Questions
The air is like a mother's hand
Laid softly on a throbbing brow,
And o'er the darksome, dewy land
The peace of heaven is stealing now,
While, hand in hand,
Young angels tell the flowers how
Their lives are planned.
From yon deep sky the quiet stars
Look down with steadfast eloquence,
And God the prison-***r unbars
That held the mute world's inmost sense
From all the wars
Of day's loud hurry and turbulence;
And nothing now the silence mars
Of love intense.
1. A plant with spikes of small fragrant flowers
2. Strongly reminiscent or suggestive of something
Directions: Respond to these questions to the best of your ability. Answer the questions completely. If you need more space, use the back or a separate sheet.
1. Identify three examples of personification: explain each example.
There's a lot of personification in this poem, so I'm not going to explain each example.
silence of the summer night! / Alive with wistful murmurings
Enfold me in thy quiet might:
Tired roses
Kind sleep
the weary world bereaves
Lulled by the breath of evening
The peace of heaven is stealing now
the quiet stars / Look down with steadfast eloquence,
held the mute world's inmost sense
2. Identify two examples of simile: explain which two things are being compared in each simile.
White lilies, pure as falling snow: The purity of lilies is compare to falling snow using the word "as."
The air is like a mother's hand / Laid softly on a throbbing brow: air is compared to a mother's hand using "like."
3. Identify two examples of metaphor: explain which two things are being compared.
Shake o'er my head thy slumb'rous wings: Nightfall is compared to something that flies.
Lulled by the breath of evening: The night air is compared to breath without using the word "like" or "as."
the low / Music of sleepy winds: winds is compared to music without using "like" or "as."
the prison-***r unbars: implicitly compares waking consciousness to a closed prison-***r.
4. What is the mood of this poem? How does this poem make you feel? Refer to text in your response.
The mood of this poem is calm, peaceful, relaxed, etc. Students may cite any number of lines to demonstrate.
5. What is the subject of this poem? What is it about? Explain your response.
This poem describes how summer night descends over the land.
6. What is the tone of this poem? How does the speaker treat the subject of the poem? Refer to text.
سؤال عن tragic flaw
سؤال عن انواع drama tragedy
سؤال عن تعريف conflict وايش انواعه
باللغويات تكلم عن English syllabus وال on****
4 كلمات تحولها الى رموز صوتية منها release و traingle
ديب ستركشر وسرفس ستركشرز لجملة (سينتاكس )
تحليل لغة اجنبية ( مورفولجي )
ترجمة الى العربي
The brown blotches of benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheek
وترجمة الى انجليزي فقرة قصيرة " لقد اشرفت على رسالة الماجستير ...."
كتابة مقالة وتختار موضوع من 3 مواضيع واحدى المواضيع كان عن الايجابيات والسلبيات في الدراسة بجامعة كبيرة او جامعة صغيرة
العدد الموجود بالكشف 17 ترجمة و18 ادب
تقريبا اللي حضروا حدود 11 الى 13 في كل قسم