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STORE MANAGER - Retail Bussines

وظائف منطقة الرياض

JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE : STORE MANAGER REPORTS TO : Retail Operations Manager / Business Head SUPERVISES : Asst. Mgr.;...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 27-12-2016, 01:56 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2014
المشاركات: 104
معدل تقييم المستوى: 22
نهج الخياال يستحق التميز
STORE MANAGER - Retail Bussines


REPORTS TO : Retail Operations Manager / Business Head
SUPERVISES : Asst. Mgr.; Supervisors; VM Staff, Sales Staff.
LIASES WITH : Internally – Finance, HR, Marketing, WH, VM & Project Departments.
Externally – Customers and Contractors.


Management of Kiabi Store, so-as-to ensure Commercial Performance; Sales Targets; increased market share, maximizing profitability, increase customer satisfaction and continued business growth.


• Ensure the Store is managed according to Kiabi Brand Principals & Standards.
• Exceed / Achieve Annual Sales Target.
• Study competition regularly and stay ahead of competition.
• Maintain best retail standards in all showrooms as per market positioning of the brand shop/ store.
• Ensure that customer satisfaction is maintained at the highest level in all stores.
• Ensure right product is available at the right time in all stores.
• Ensure replenishments from Warehouse is done on time to avoid losing opportunities.
• Initiate timely action on slow ****** and non ****** products.
• Furnish regular product feedback to the senior management and the buying department.
• Directly supervise visual merchandising - as per brand guidelines & merchandising books
• Strategizing and preparing the Store for events like sale, promotions etc.
• Managing, developing and motivating staff to increase sales and improve efficiency.
• Ensuring right mix of staffing in the Store to meet peak trading patterns.
• Train /Assist Staff and conduct staff welfare activities.
• Ensure that all new recruits understand their job and settle down well within the company.
• Ensure Grievance Handling and disciplinary actions within Kiabi Store affairs.
Involve HR dept. wherever necessary.
• Ensuring skill development of Kiabi Store Staffs through Job rotation and on Job Training.
• Monitoring and appraising the performance of Kiabi Store Staffs in coordination with HR manager and developing individual career plans.
• Ensure that the Store housekeeping standards are the best
• Conducting & organizing Stock Take as per company policy.
Ensuring that the stock loss is within tolerance level & there is control on stock damage.
• Ensure Safety & Security of company property, Staff & Stocks


• Commercial Performance of the stores
• Profitability of the stores
• Increasing Market Share
• Meeting the Sales Target
• Increased Customer Satisfaction
• Maintaining an upward Business Growth
• Staff Development and Training.


Knowledge : Visuals Merchandise Layouts
Customer Shopping Habits
Understanding Promotional Campaigns

Skills/ Abilities : Target Orientation
Resource / People Management
Planning and Organizing
Proficient in IT Skills such as Microsoft Office & System Admin

Work Experience : 3/5 years as Store Manager in a big store with minimum 20 staff

Education : College Graduate

please send your CV to



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