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Site was established in 2006

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وظائف منطقة الرياض وظائف منطقة الرياض فقط

Supply Chain Supervisor

وظائف منطقة الرياض

Supply Chain Analyst Responsibilities *******: Collecting and analyzing supply chain data Recommending improvements to boost performance and reduce...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 14-12-2017, 12:34 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2016
المشاركات: 6
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
sugar sprinkles يستحق التميز
Supply Chain Supervisor

Supply Chain Analyst Responsibilities *******:

Collecting and analyzing supply chain data
Recommending improvements to boost performance and reduce costs
Coordinating with other professionals to implement changes and new systems

Job brief
We are looking for a Supply Chain supervisor to conduct data analysis to improve our supply chain operations. his job will help us increase efficiency and reduce costs.

In this role, he should have an analytical mind and a strong business acumen. Problem-solving skills and attention to detail are essential. If he also have experience in logistics and supply chain processes, we’d like to meet him.

his goal will be to help our supply chain run as smoothly and profitably as possible.

Create processes and methods to gather supply chain data
Analyze data to identify problematic areas and suggest improvements
Plan and implement supply chain optimization projects (e.g. warehouse-slotting, route planning)
Develop requirements and standards (e.g. packaging, procurement, delivery)
Oversee inventory procedures
Discover the most cost-effective shipping modes and schedules
Evaluate vendor operations (e.g. freight forwarders) according to quality standards
Help foster trusting relationships with business partners
Track KPIs and report on supply chain’s performance


Location: Riyadh

  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 14-12-2017, 04:13 PM
الصورة الرمزية فضل
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Dammam
المشاركات: 139,376
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21475152
فضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداع
رد: Supply Chain Supervisor

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