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وظائف المنطقة الشرقية الدمام - الخبر - الأحساء - الظهران - الخفجي .. ومايتبعها فقط

Company in Dammam Contracting with Saudi Aramco would like to announce the following

وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

For Saudis only Company in Dammam Contracting with Saudi Aramco would like to announce the following: PROJECT MANAGER (Vacancy 1) 1- Bachelor’s...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 25-02-2018, 11:07 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2018
الدولة: المنطقة الشرقية الدمام
المشاركات: 11
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
Thabit يستحق التميز
Company in Dammam Contracting with Saudi Aramco would like to announce the following

For Saudis only

Company in Dammam Contracting with Saudi Aramco would like to announce the following:

1- Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, management or related field as approved by SAUDI ARAMCO.
2- Five (5) years’ experience in personnel management and general service contract administration.
3- Fluent in oral and written English (colloquial Arabic is desirable) with excellent English reporting skills.
4- Demonstrate organizational and leadership skills.
5- Working knowledge of all aspects of the work covered under this Contract.
6- Valid Saudi Arab Government Driver License and drives defensively at all times.
7- Good physical condition and free from any communicable disease.

1- Diploma degree in janitorial sanitation services related field as approved by SAUDI ARAMCO.
2- Five (5) years’ experience in administration, personnel and supervising janitorial sanitation services contract.
3- Valid Saudi Arab Government Driver License and drives defensively at all times.
4- Demonstrate organizational and leadership skills.
5- Fluent in oral and written English (colloquial Arabic is desirable) and have excellent English reporting skills.
6- Working knowledge of all aspects of the work covered under this Contract.
7 Good physical condition and free form any communicable disease.

1- Diploma degree in in entomology, plant protection or insect toxicology or pesticides from a fully accredited and reputable university.
2- Five (5) years of experience, preferably in the gulf region, in public health and urban pest control, related directly to the elimination of rodents, rats, snakes, termites and insects injurious to turf grass, trees and nurseries which are harmful in and around buildings and affect health and welfare of mankind in community.
3- Demonstrate organizational and leadership skills.
4- Excellent report writing skills.
5- Fluent in oral and written English (colloquial Arabic is desirable) and shall have working knowledge of all aspects of the work covered under this Contract.
6- Valid Saudi Arab Government Driver License and defensively at all times
7- Good physical condition and free form any communicable disease.

1- Diploma degree in Horticulture/Agriculture with minimum of five (5) years of
related experience in gardening, landscaping services and irrigation system
maintenance experience.
2- Experience that shall *******, but not limited to, planting, pruning, care of
plants/trees, mowing, spraying, fertilizing, preparation of flower and plant
3- Sufficient knowledge of such plants and bushes that can adapt and
acclimatize to a wide range of soils, climate and cultural practices.
4- Experience in a wide variety of gardening and landscaping work such as
earth removal, hedge pruning, post and fence installation, planting of and
caring of grass, shrubs and trees, preparation of flower beds, potting,
fertilizing and controlling of pests and plant diseases.
5- Experience and technical knowledge of plant propagation, distinguishing
and differentiating between seasoned bond flowering annuals and
perennials. Must be capable of utilizing small ****** with a pleasing
combination of diversified plants and should exhibit concern for design,
balance, harmony, geometric and correlation, etc. shall be familiar with the
new varieties of flower, as well as ******, summer bulbs , Herbs and
sufficient knowledge of which plants , bushes can be adopted and
acclimated to a wide range of soils, climates and adapted practices without
losing their beauty
6- Technical knowledge in installation and maintenance of automated irrigation
7- Demonstrate organizational and leadership skills.
8- Excellent report writing skills
9- Fluent in oral and written English (colloquial Arabic is desirable) and shall
have working knowledge of all aspects of the work covered under this
10- Valid Saudi Arab Government Driver License and drives defensively at all
11- Good physical condition and free form any communicable disease.

1- Secondary school certificate or equivalent as per Aramco approval.
2- Three (3) years’ experience in a related field of work, two (2) of which must
be in urban pest control service which *******, but are not limited to, the
preparation of and application of appropriate pesticide treatment, placement
and servicing of traps and baits, continuous handling of pest complaints and
supervision of pest control aides.
3- Certified from an approved entity to use the chemicals and mixing them.
4- Handle pest and snakes problems and provide solutions.
5- Knowledge of gardening pests and ability to identify species.
6- Knowledge of appropriate pesticides and method of treatment of all kinds of
gardening pests (aphids, scales, meal bugs, spider mites, white flies, lawn
caterpillars, palm boring beetles, etc.)
7- Operate various types of pest control equipment related to gardening pest control (100 L wheelbarrow sprayer type, hand pump sprayer, etc.)
8- Proficient in oral and written English.
9- Good physical condition and free from any communicable disease.
10- Willing to work out-of-doors in all types of local weather conditions and be capable of hard physical labor.
11- Valid Saudi Arab Government Driver License and drives defensively at all times.

Pest Control Aide Qualifications (Vacancy 2)
1- High school graduate or equivalent as determined solely by the Company
2- Two (2) years of experience in operation of hand-held equipment and
assistance in the operation of larger pest control equipment, must know
sufficient simple verbal and written English to follow special instructions and
complete simple work forms. Must be willing to work out-of-doors in all
types of local weather conditions, and be capable of hard physical labor.
3- Good physical condition and free from any communicable disease.

*The salary commensurate with the skills and experience of the successful candidate
if you have what it takes, Please send your resume and write the name
of the position you applying for in the email:

  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 25-02-2018, 12:55 PM
الصورة الرمزية فضل
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Dammam
المشاركات: 138,870
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21475151
فضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداع
رد: Company in Dammam Contracting with Saudi Aramco would like to announce the following

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