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وظائف المنطقة الغربية جدة - مكة - الطائف - المدينة المنورة - ينبع - ومايتبعها

Validation Technician/Makkah

وظائف المنطقة الغربية

We are looking for Validation Technician in Pharmaceutical Company in Makkah, who should have the following requirements: 1. Associates Degree in...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 07-03-2018, 09:50 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2018
المشاركات: 3
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
R_me يستحق التميز
Validation Technician/Makkah

We are looking for Validation Technician in Pharmaceutical Company in Makkah, who should have the following requirements:
1. Associates Degree in Engineering or Science discipline preferred
2. Area of Specialisation
pharmaceutical manufacturing and operations
3. Minimum 2+ years of experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing and operations
4. Knowledge of cGMPs, pharmaceutical manufacturing methods and general validation principles.
5. Knowledge of and adherence to Good Documentation Practices
6. Ability to sit/stand for extended periods - up to four (4) hours at a time.
7. Manual dexterity to perform all job functions.
8. Ability to gown and work in an aseptic/clean room environment.
7. Exposure to toxic/caustic chemicals and biological hazards.
Key Responsibilities:
• Assists in performing various validation execution activities.
• Assists the Validation team in developing SOPs, protocols and validation reports to meet current ARABIO Quality system, and external Regulatory requirements.
• Develop and maintain an annual qualification plan.
• Follow the plan of qualification to be completed during each calendar year.
• Prepares and executes simple validation protocols under the supervision of a Validation Manager.
• Routes and tracks protocols and other documents for approvals.
• Assists with setup operation and maintenance of Validation equipment.
• Other duties as assigned

Nationality: Any but Saudi nationality is preferable

To apply for this job please send your CV to below email:

  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 08-03-2018, 12:56 AM
الصورة الرمزية فضل
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Dammam
المشاركات: 138,944
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21475151
فضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداع
رد: Validation Technician/Makkah

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