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العودة   حلول البطالة Unemployment Solutions > قسم وظائف القطاع الخاص > وظائف منطقة الرياض


وظائف منطقة الرياض وظائف منطقة الرياض فقط

Business Development Manager

وظائف منطقة الرياض

Business Development Manager (Marketing & Sales) military and Security supplies Responsibilities: Builds market position by locating, developing,...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 14-05-2018, 11:13 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2017
المشاركات: 35
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
emaanintl يستحق التميز
Post Business Development Manager

Business Development Manager (Marketing & Sales) military and Security supplies

Builds market position by locating, developing, defining, negotiating, and closing business relationships.

- Determine the requirements of the market, identify the needs of customers based on the situations events and news and communicate with customers to know their needs and the way to serve them in best picture
- Locates or proposes potential business deals by contacting potential partners; discovering and exploring opportunities
- Build strategy for Marketing and sales
- Supervising Marketing, sales and projects execution.
- Communicate with end users to build a lasting relationship for potential businesses
- Screens potential business deals by analyzing market strategies, deal requirements, potential, and financials; evaluating options; resolving internal priorities... etc.
- Develops negotiating strategies and positions by studying integration of new venture with company strategies and operations; examining risks and potentials; estimating company' needs and goals.

Skills and qualification:
Closing Skills, Motivation for Sales, Marketing Skills, Sales Planning, Selling to Customer Needs, Territory Management, Market Knowledge, Presentation Skills, Energy Level, Meeting Sales Goals, Professionalism and finding new sources always to cover the needs of market.

Expert in military supplies for at least 5 years in Saudi Market
Minimum, Bachelor degree
Expert in marketing, sales and finding new sources
Able to build a strong relationship with customers
Able to build and lead a team
Fluent in English and Arabic
Experiences should be related to the offered job.

Please send your CV to the email address



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