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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Senior Consultant - مستشار رئيسي - الرياض- الأفضلية للسعودين

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

Senior Consultant - مستشار رئيسي - الأفضلية للسعودين Job Purpose: The Senior Consultant works in partnership with clients in order to ensure the...

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قديم 05-06-2018, 11:23 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
المشاركات: 35
معدل تقييم المستوى: 32
وطني صريح يستحق التميز
Senior Consultant - مستشار رئيسي - الرياض- الأفضلية للسعودين

Senior Consultant - مستشار رئيسي - الأفضلية للسعودين
Job Purpose:
The Senior Consultant works in partnership with clients in order to ensure the successful completion of the project scope of work and the realization of the expected benefits.
Senior Consultants use best practices in line with company’s appropriate methods to deliver tangible results that enhance client’s capabilities.
Senior Consultants are expected to either lead streams on dedicated projects or participate in several client projects. High performing Senior Consultants will be given the responsibility to lead projects’ end-to-end delivery.
Senior Consultants are expected to market the company’s services to assigned clients, continuously looking for up-sell opportunities.

Job Responsibilities
• Project Delivery Responsibilities:
o Execute and complete assigned deliverables within the time, budget and quality standards agreed with the client;
o Manage and direct team of consultants assigned to him;
o Perform quality assurance for deliverables prepared by his assigned consultants;
o Work with clients on assigned projects to identify solutions;
o Manage the design and implementation of solutions;
o Ensure client's satisfaction at all time.
o In the case of leading a project the following additional responsibilities apply:
- Prepare documentation and present progress reports to customers;
- Finalize and approve the Internal Project Ownership Acceptance form.
- Ensure client is fully aware of the scope and manage the client expectation within the scope of the project and aligned with contract, proposal, and costing sheet.
- Prepare project charter at start of the engagement in line with the SOW defined in the proposal.
- Ensure Project Plans are updated on a weekly basis and submitted to the PMO by the end of the working week.
- Ensure resources are allocated to the project and are effectively utilized.
- Manage workload to assigned project team.
- Ensure proper utilization of assigned human and financial resources.
- Ensure completion and validation of the team’s timesheets on time and in the system by the end of every working week.
- Ensure on-time completion of project milestones and issue of associated invoices
- Participate in the bi-weekly project status update meetings and have all the necessary information to complete a successful review
- Manage project scope in line with project charter and submit required change request with associated implications (time and cost) when required. Maintain change request log and communicate it to PMO on weekly basis.
- Mange project risks and issues and escalate to PMO when it is expected to affect the planned project milestones. Maintain risk and issue log and communicate it to PMO on weekly basis.
- When escalated by finance, follow-up on regular basis on payments for overdue invoices. Knowledge Development Responsibilities
o Ensure reports and project outputs are updated in the knowledge portal;
o Conduct research on specific topics;
o Prepare presentations about researched topics;
o Assist in the preparation of methods and templates;
o Prepare and share lessons learned from projects;
o Conduct internal knowledge transfer workshops.

• Business Development Responsibilities:
o Provide pre-sale support on POCs, proposals, demos, presentations;
o Promote the company profile and capabilities;
o Actively seek to identify up-selling opportunities and convert them into actual sales.

• General Responsibilities:
o Update job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations;
o Provide support and participate actively in internal projects;
o Attend internal knowledge transfer sessions;
o Comply with established policies and procedures;
o Maintain confidentiality of company and client information with responsibility;
o Ensure professional behavior at all times;
o Embrace company values and culture.
o Perform all specific tasks assigned by his superiors.

Job Requirements
o BS/BA or equivalent with 4+ years’ experience in related domain;
o At least 2 year of team leading experience;
o Demonstrated ability to gather complex requirements and perform gap analysis;
o Ability to influence customers and manage internal team members;
o A proven ability to work collaboratively;
o Must have strong consulting and project management skills;
o Solid working experience in client management, team management and supervision;
o Possesses a deep understanding of related domain of knowledge and broad understanding of other domains;
o Ability to multi-task and learn quickly;
o Good time management skills;
o Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines at all times;
o Excellent analytical and critical thinking ability;
o Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
o Must have a high sense of responsibility and willing to be held accountable;
o Highly enthusiastic, motivated and self-driven individual;
o Must be flexible and react quickly in a fast-paced and dynamic atmosphere;
o Should demonstrate positive attitude at all times;
o Honest and hard working with core values aligned with those of the company.

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