25-09-2018, 12:25 PM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2014
المشاركات: 115
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
HR Assistant (GRO)Saudi National Male only
Dear All
a unique opportuintiy for Saudi male only to work as HR assistant & General Relations officer on a par time basis
No need to come to work on daily basis , your major role is only to finish your assigned tasks
Salary SAR 4500 plus 500 as fuel allowance
However , you have to be register in our GOIS to be able to do your governmental tasks
please send your CV to
Post holder will focus on providing GRO support to the company within a timely manner and ensuring a proactive approach. Prepare and process paperwork/documents and relevant applications.
Job Requirements:
• Saudi male National is a must.
• Trustworthy, hard working, reliable, resourceful and resilient.
• Candidate must be based in Riyadh.
• Good command of English is preferable.
• Good Administration/Computer skills
• Secondary School degree or above is preferable.
• Minimum 6 months work experience in a similar role.
• Structured and organised.
• Good communicator, who pays attention to detail.
• Good knowledge of SLL, MOL, MOI, HRDF, SAGIA, etc.
Duties and Responsibilities:
• Provide full support to the Human Resource & Administration team with all relevant tasks.
• Provide GRO support to the company.
• Sign or send all relevant memos/letters/ procedures and communicate with Saudi employees as company HR representative.
• Be accessible and available in Riyadh from Sunday to Thursday, and in attendance in the company office at least once a day to receive daily instructions.
• Complete all tasks in a timely manner.
• Responsible for maintaining electronic/online services for all governmental websites, including but not limited to:
1. Ministry of Labour (MOL)
2. Ministry of Foreign Affair (MOFA),
3. Anjaz
4. Ministry of Interior.
5. Moqeem.
6. Ajeer.
8. CoC.
9. TAMM.
10. MOCI.
11. Municipality.
12. SAGIA.
13. Saudi Post.
14. HRDF
15. Taqat
• Responsible for all ‘in person’ visits to governmental bodies or private sectors such as Jawazt, MOL, GOSI, Saudi Post, Zakat, Courts, Police Station, etc.
• Assist in all general inquiries concerning labor and related matters.
• Track & monitor all expiry dates, deadlines for iqama, leasing contracts, exit entry visas, work visas, visit visa licenses etc. and start the renewal process as per the agreed timescale.
• Upload WPS on MOL website on a monthly basis within 3 working days of production, as well as GOSI payment.
• Provide support in recruitment functions especially for Saudi Nationals, arrange visa process for new staff, arrange new IQAMAs and renewals, as and when required, coordinate with real estate office for accommodation issues, vehicle registration and insurance.
• Maintain and update/renew all legal documents, government related documents, Company licenses etc.
• Provide proactive support and advice with regard to Saudization, visas, and MOL degrees and solve problems with staff if any.
• Provide immediate assistance and support for normal and emergency requests.
• Fulfill agreed KPI’s and deliverables within Performance Agreement, all within the agreed timescales.