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Site was established in 2006
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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته Medical laboratory : 1-The primary stain in gram stain : Crystal violet 2- Neutrophil is increase in ( Acute bacterial Infection ) 3-Infective stage of Ascaris (Egg) 4-Infective stage of Enterobius vermicularis (egg) 5-ASO diagnosis of (Rheumatic fever ) 6-Alpha feto protein increase ( Liver cancer ) 7-universal donor (O negative ) universal receptnt ( AB+ ) 8-Tube of glucose (Na fluoride or Na oxalate ) 9- Sodium citrate in tube percentage (3.8%) 10-Most serious of malaria ( Falciparum) 11- Cell increase in parasitic and allergic reaction (Eosinophil ) 12- All of these Cardiac enzyme expect ( LDH _ CK_MB_ bilirubin ) 13-Kideny function test ( Creatinine ). 14-FFP thawing (37 C) 15-Iodine stain كان في اسم باراسيت نسيت اسمه بس الاجابه كانت يصبغ النواه اعتقد مو متاكده 16-RBC storage at (2-4c) 17-Anerobic ( Grow only in absence of oxygen ) 18- Antisera A ( Blue) 19-Antisera B( yellow) 20- Rh negative mean ( no D Antigen ) 21- largest cell of leukocyte ( Monocyte) 22-The best medium of blood bank ( CPD-A) I think كان فيها كذا اختيار الايدتا والسقم فماني متاكده من الاجابه ولا لقيت لها حل في قوقل .. 23-T.saginata (beef ) 24-Tape worm ( T.saginata) 25-dehydaration (Ascending of alcohol ) السوال طويل ماذكره بالضبط 26-The frozen section of Histology (كان مكتوب كذا السوال ومعه كذا خيار بس انه يستخدم عشان الكشف السريع ) 27-The sugar In semen (fructose ) 28-The indicator ( Change the color and pH) 29-The dipstick in urine used to diagnosis leukocyte (leukocyte esterase ) 30-Bacteria arranged in pairs gram positive ( Enterocooci ) 31-AlP (Bone and liver disease ) 32-AST ( Heart and liver disease ). 33-bruclla culture (21 days) 34-CPDA (35Days ) 35-All are selective media expect (Nutrient agar ) 36-H.influnazea best culture In chocolate agar . 37-S.aureus differnate other staph by (coagulase ) 38-motile gram negative rods (Psudomonas ) 39-Autoclaeve pressure at( 121c\15minte ) 40-strealzation of culture (autocleav ) 41-Gout disease (uric acid) 42-When stain slide used oil is (100X) 43-Enzyme elevated in pancreatitis (amylase ) 44-Rice watery stool (V.cholerae ) 45-Batercin disc (streptococci group A) 46-Bacteria that cause dysentery (Shigella) أسئله العامه : |
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