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وظائف المنطقة الشرقية الدمام - الخبر - الأحساء - الظهران - الخفجي .. ومايتبعها فقط

مطلوب مهندسين

وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

A leading company in engineering consultant field located in Dammam is looking for experienced & qualified candidates to start the work immediately...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 06-11-2018, 09:36 PM
hec hec غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2018
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
hec يستحق التميز
مطلوب مهندسين

A leading company in engineering consultant field located in Dammam is looking for experienced & qualified candidates to start the work immediately for the below positions:

Architecture Engineer

(experience years 8++ , Iqama transferable , ready to start the work)

Mast have experience in the following:

1. Conceptual Design.

2. Architectural Design.

3. Landscape Design.

4. Design and Shop Drawings.

5. 3 D Modeling.

6. Technical Specifications and BOQs.

Mechanical Engineer

(experience years 8++ , Iqama transferable , ready to start the work)

Mast have experience in the following:

1. Sanitary networks (water, sewage, firefighting and irrigation).

2. Laundry & Central Kitchens facilities.

3. Boiler room facilities.

4. Piping.

5. Water desalination plant.

6. Mechanical and sanitary works for Swimming pools.

7. Medical gases.

8. Irrigation.

9. Design and Shop Drawings.

10. 3 D Modeling.

11. Technical Specifications and BOQs.

Piping and Water Engineer

(experience years 8++ , Iqama transferable , ready to start the work)

Mast have experience in the following:

1. Conceptual and Basic Design.

2. PFD, P&ID, and Hydraulic Calculations.

3. Surge Analysis.

4. Pipe Routing and Isometric Drawings.

5. 3 D Modeling.

6. Technical Specifications and BOQs.

Mechanical HVAC Engineer

(experience years 8++ , Iqama transferable , ready to start the work)

Mast have experience in the following:

1. Conceptual and Basic Design.

2. Thermal Load and Ventilation Calculations.

3. A/C and Ventilation Systems Design.

4. Design and Shop Drawings.

5. Technical Specifications and BOQs.

6. Design Review and Coordination.

Electrical Engineer

(experience years 8++ , Iqama transferable , ready to start the work)

Mast have experience in the following:

1. Conceptual and Basic Design.

2. Issuance of P&ID

3. SLD for MV & LV Systems.

4. Power Distribution Systems Calculations.

5. Cable Routing.

6. Light Current Systems Design.

7. Design and Shop Drawings.

8. Control Philosophy.

9. Instrument Index, IOs List, JBs Drawings, Instruments Layout, Logical Diagram and Hook Up Drawings.

10. Instruments Specifications and Data Sheets. 11. Technical Specifications and BOQs.

if you are interested & eligible send your CV to the below email and mention the position in the email subject:



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مواضيع ذات صله وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

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