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وظائف المنطقة الشرقية الدمام - الخبر - الأحساء - الظهران - الخفجي .. ومايتبعها فقط

Senior HSEQ Specialist, Project Accountant at Wood (Oil & Gas) - Saudi Arabia - Khobar City

وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

Wood Company is an international company leading provider of enterprise, engineering and technology services to energy and industry markets around...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 19-01-2019, 05:17 AM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2017
المشاركات: 63
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
T-Acquisition-SA يستحق التميز
Senior HSEQ Specialist, Project Accountant at Wood (Oil & Gas) - Saudi Arabia - Khobar City

Wood Company is an international company leading provider of enterprise, engineering and technology services to energy and industry markets around the world and contracted to major oil, gas and energy companies. Looking to hire Candidates (Preferably Saudi Candidates) for number of Vacancies in Saudi Arabia - Al Khobar city, according to the following Roles and conditions


Senior HSEQ Specialist

:About the Vacancy

Wood. is recruiting a Senior HSEQ Specialist to further increase the capacity and knowledge base of the well-established HSEQ department. This will give you the opportunity to work on a wide range of Wood. projects

Providing a proactive and ‘value adding’ QHSE management service to the integrated project execution team
Ensure the implementation of HSEQ Management System throughout the course of the project
Induct the project team in the scope and application of the project quality management program through 1-1 meetings or group presentations
Ensure compliance to the Project specifications and contractual requirements
Position will monitor and implement the organization's health and safety policy
Position will assist HSSE Manager to ensure the organization is compliant with health and safety legislation; and Client’s HSSE requirements
Planning, conducting and reporting HSE and Quality audits
Identifying, reporting and tracking nonconformities
Facilitate and perform root cause analysis for the identified nonconformities
Provide proactive support to the project team to identify work processes (project specific) which need to be brought under control
Provide proactive support to the project team to develop fit-for-purpose QA controls to manage project specific work processes i.e. project instruction, process map, procedure etc
Prepare Project Quality Management Plan in accordance with Contract requirements, QMS and Project Execution Manual
Perform random Quality Checks on project deliverables prior to Client submittal for Quality Management System compliance and to ensure that findings / comments are incorporated adequately
Randomly ensure that internal and external comments are satisfactorily incorporated within project deliverables in accordance with the Mustang Al-Hejailan QMS
Ensure that defined project directory structure is implemented on projects
Provide proactive support to the Quality Manager and Project Manager in terms of applying quality management and continual improvement techniques to address specific areas of concerns i.e. workshops etc
Provide proactive support to the project team in answering all client queries related to Quality of work
Update & manage data in the Monthly Quality Report
Plan and conduct Quality Management awareness programs in project
Take ownership of Company’s Quality Policy, Core, and Operating Values
Implement policies and plans: ensure policies and procedures are enforced. Support development and implementation of company annual health, safety, and environment plans, goals, and strategies for improving health, safety, and environmental performance.
Inspections: inspect the workplace for potential hazards, identify potential hazards, assess the risks and report potential hazards
Conduct drills: conduct drills, such as fire drills, to ensure equipment is properly functioning and staff is aware of what to do in an emergency
Conduct investigations: respond to and investigate accidents and emergencies
Ensure compliance: ensure the organization is compliant with legislative and regulatory requirements, conduct trainings with staff to make sure they are aware of regulations and procedures and provide guidance
Administrative tasks: keep records of all safety daily activities and maintain reference materials. Maintain records of HSE training. Maintain documents for all accidents and near-misses in the workplace

:Skills / Qualifications

Degree / Diploma qualified in an engineering subject
Excellent knowledge of ISO 9001-2015 Standard
Lead Auditor certificate
Good knowledge of project quality management systems
Possess good presentation skills and be able to market the benefits of quality to all stakeholders
OSHA or NEBOSH credentials strongly preferred
ISO 14001 certification preferred
7+ years of experience. Lesser Experience can be considered.
At least five years’ experience working in Saudi Arabia in related field with strong leadership skills.
Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and of others who may be affected by your actions.
Co-operate with COMPANY by following all relevant health and safety policies and practice safe work habits
Not to misuse any equipment and report any damaged equipment
Report all injuries, incidents and near misses and to proactively support our behavioural based observation system
Implement established procedures to ensure compliance to Quality and HSSE requirements.
Identify opportunities for improvement in Quality and HSSE and notify the relevant department.
Review QM Risk register at defined period and provide necessary input


Project Accountant

:About the Vacancy

Wood. is recruiting a Project Accountant to further increase the capacity and knowledge base of the well-established Finance department. This will give you the opportunity to work on a wide range of Wood. projects

Management of the Accounts Receivable process for the organization, this includes but not limited to monitoring, review, processing of Invoices in a timely manner
Managing/involved in the Invoicing and Accounting reporting activity
Reviewing Invoices for relevant details and supporting documents
Coordinating with Project Control for any additional details required
Checking that Aramco requirements for billing purpose are being met
Checking for PAF reports and signed CRW reports are in line
Calculation of as on progress of the Contract and reporting the same in each Invoice
Posting of Invoices in Navision accounting system
Matching of Invoices with receipts in Navision
Logging in Aramco portal to submit the Invoices online
Follow up of Invoices on Aramco portal to check the timeline of approvals
Liaise with Aramco where additional information is required to support the timely payment of billings
Handling of emails and telephone calls from proponent/Cost groups enquiring for further details
Preparation of Weekly Receivable Reports with full details on Invoiced, received, and receivable figures to help Management control processing issues, cash-flow
Co-ordinate with PM’s in case of any escalations
Manage the submission of invoices if electronic portal access is not available
Keeping invoice logs of all submitted Invoices for information purposes
Supporting Finance Department for Statutory Reporting
Other Activities as required by Financial Controller

Skills / Qualifications

Experience of Accounts Receivable Process (preferably with Aramco)
Preferably experience working in Project Accounting. (Oracle experience will be a plus)
Relevant Degree
Team player and able to perform with minimum supervision
English Language – reading, writing and speaking

Company Overview

Wood is a global leader in the delivery of project, engineering and technical services to energy and industrial markets. We operate in more than 60 countries, employing around 60,000 people, with revenues of over $10 billion. We provide performance-driven solutions throughout the asset life cycle, from concept to decommissioning across a broad range of industrial markets, including the upstream, midstream and downstream oil & gas, power & process, environment and infrastructure, clean energy, mining, nuclear, and general industrial sectors. www.woodplc.com 

:How To apply

:Through Wood Career Portal System using the following links

To apply for Senior HSEQ Specialist Click Here

To apply for Project Accountant Click Here

  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 20-01-2019, 12:52 AM
الصورة الرمزية فضل
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Dammam
المشاركات: 140,165
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21475154
فضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداع
رد: Senior HSEQ Specialist, Project Accountant at Wood (Oil & Gas) - Saudi Arabia - Khobar City

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مواضيع ذات صله وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

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