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وظائف المنطقة الوسطى القصيم - الخرج وتوابعها

Team Secretary, Storekeeper - Buraydah

وظائف المنطقة الوسطى

Job Title: Storekeeper Main Duties: - Able to follow standard for issuing and receiving stock within the warheouse. - Monitor and take inventory on...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 16-04-2019, 06:04 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 28
معدل تقييم المستوى: 33
فهد عبدالعزيز يستحق التميز
Team Secretary, Storekeeper - Buraydah

Job Title: Storekeeper
Main Duties:
- Able to follow standard for issuing and receiving stock within the warheouse.
- Monitor and take inventory on regular basis to compile ****** based on par levels or needs.
- Maintain clear and organised records to ensure all reports and invoices are filed and stored properly.
- Monitor PAR levels for all food items to ensure proper levels.
- Responsible for the day-to-day check on the storage facilities for upkeep.
- Responsible to verify all goods arrived as per the agreed purchase, delivery note and agreed quantity has been received.
- Refuse acceptance of damaged, unacceptable, or incorrect items.
- Ensure all requisitions are signed by purchases Department.
- Ensure the quantity requested and the quantity issued always matches.
- Ensure warehouse requisition form is signed by the person collecting the goods and enter into the ERP System.
- Conduct inventory audits to determine inventory levels and needs.
- Conduct physical stock audits on a regular basis as advised by the Financial Controller (FC) and the physical count to be tallied with the inventory count from the ERP.
- Any differences between the manual count and MMS software have to be investigated and the information to be given to the Finance Department.
- Assist the Accounts Payable Clerk / payable assistant in finding out any cost discrepancies.
- Complete requisition forms for inventory and supplies.
- Work closely with Purchasing to order and receive items and equipment.
- Troubleshoot any vendor delivery issues and oversee/follow up on the return process.
- Follow up on documentation of after-hours issues ensuring it is in accordance with established internal controls and procedures.
- Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional.
- Speak with others using clear and professional language.
- Keep accurate recordings of all incoming and outgoing goods.
- Notify the purching and management of any low stock levels
- Identify and report any slow-****** items to avoid over purchasing.
- Verify and track received inventory and complete inventory reports and logs.
- Perform any other duties as assigned by the management or supervisors.

- Positive attitude and good communication skills.
- Flexibility to respond to a range of different work situations.
- Ability to work on your own or as part of a team.
- Have a good eye for detail.
- Familiar with Materials Management system (MMS).
- Familiar with Inventory Management Software.
- Must have basic computer skills for the day to day operation.
- Spkeak, Read & Write English.

Job Title: Team Secretary
Main Duties:
- Providing secretarial and administrative support to a team of executives and partners
- Liaising with other team secretaries to ensure the smooth running of the business and ongoing effective communication
- Extensive diary management of the team on both a business and personal level
- Organising travel and accommodation for the team
- Answering telephones in a timely and affable manner, taking comprehensive messages when necessary
- Extensive email correspondence
- Arranging internal and external meetings and their relevant logistics, including room booking, *******ments and document preparation
- Formatting and typing letters, presentations and other correspondence as required
- Processing expense claims forms
- Providing cover for other secretaries when necessary
- Willing to work outside of office hours
- Spkeak, Read & Write English perfectly.

To apply email your CV including the desired job title in the email title

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