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Site was established in 2006

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العودة   حلول البطالة Unemployment Solutions > قسم وظائف القطاع الخاص > وظائف المنطقة الشرقية


وظائف المنطقة الشرقية الدمام - الخبر - الأحساء - الظهران - الخفجي .. ومايتبعها فقط

وظائف شاغرة للجنسين - طيران أديل بالدمام

وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

أعلنت شركة طيران أديل عن عدد 3 وظائف موظف العمليات شاغرة للجنسين لحملة الدرجة الجامعية وذلك للعمل بالدمام. المهارات المطلوبة: Ensure flyadeal flights...

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قديم 09-10-2019, 11:25 AM
متمكن بطرح الوظائف
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Eastern Province
المشاركات: 9,471
معدل تقييم المستوى: 694661
الضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداعالضيم محترف الإبداع
وظائف شاغرة للجنسين - طيران أديل بالدمام

أعلنت شركة طيران أديل عن عدد 3 وظائف موظف العمليات شاغرة للجنسين لحملة الدرجة الجامعية وذلك للعمل بالدمام.

المهارات المطلوبة:

Ensure flyadeal flights are conducted safely by evaluating and observing all operational weights. Optimize and monitor flyadeal flying program to deliver a safe, economical and punctual flights.

· Accountable to Senior Manager IOCC

· Coordinate maintenance requirements with MCC and ensure aircraft movement control system satisfies the maintenance requirements where required.

· Publish flying program (Aircraft Allocation) within the movement control system using IOCC standard format for a minimum of 24hrs advance to all stations and concerned departments internal and external.

· Coordinate with Crew Control in respect to crew availability, standby coverage during schedule disruptions in reference to Crew FDTL.

· Coordinate recovery of the flying programme as soon as practical to minimize recurring schedule impact during flight delays and disruptions.

· Monitor and issue movement and loading messages as required with the importance on ensuring stations are informed on actual and projected delays to the schedule.

· Ensure all ground operations that pertains to weight and balance are conducted safely.

· Demonstrate knowledge, compliance and competence of flyadeal Manuals, operation notices for instructions and policies as it relates to Movement Control and Load Control.

· .

· Check and monitor all planned figures for passengers, bags, cargo and mail weights corresponds to the actual loading of the aircraft.

· Issue all weight and balance documents are accurately completed in accordance to completed aircraft loading.

· Ensure all weight and balance documents are optimized for the purposes of fuel effeciency.

· Demonstrate knowledge, compliance and competence of emergency procedures when required in accordance to flyadeal Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and Security Program.

· Ensure Senor Manager IOCC is brief on all irregularities faced.

· Ensure all shift reports are completed giving precise and chronological details where required.

Ensure proper handover briefing of all important and or incomplete task are completed

· Maintain communication to all personel involved in the handling of flyadeal aircraft as it relates to loading, fuelling, documentation and last minute changes, while maintaining the flyadeal image.

· Ensure all information are communicated in a timely manner so as to keep our guest informed and updated.

· Co-ordinate with all crews, departments and stations as it relates to last minute changes in crew allocation, delays, cancellations of flights, etc.

· Co-ordinate with Flight Dispatch on weight changes as this may require revised flight planning documentation.

Collaborate with key persons to ensure clarity of the specifications and expectations of the company.

Perform evaluation and analysis of flight delays, actual passenger baggage.
Evaluate recovery of the flying program as soon as practical in relation to delays, disruptions thereby minimizing the cost impact on the schedule.

Ability to take and pass company exam with a score of 70% minimum

Problem solving & Decision Making
Teamwork and Collaboration
Accountability and Ownership
Effective Communication, Calm and collected mannerism.
Learning Agility.
Computer skills
Fluent in English Language

Operations Control and Centralized Load Control.

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