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وظائف المنطقة الغربية جدة - مكة - الطائف - المدينة المنورة - ينبع - ومايتبعها

Senior Internal Auditor

وظائف المنطقة الغربية

We are looking for Senior Internal Auditor to work with us in Jeddah kindly see the below all the details according to the position: Minimum...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 13-10-2019, 11:44 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2018
المشاركات: 63
معدل تقييم المستوى: 13
HR11 يستحق التميز
Red face Senior Internal Auditor

We are looking for Senior Internal Auditor to work with us in Jeddah kindly see the below all the details according to the position:

Minimum Experience:
• 3-5 years’ experience post qualification experience, including experience in Internal and/or External audit .

• Experience and know-how of financial audit methodology.

• Big4 experience (with exposure to manufacturing industries) is preferred.

• Strong analytical skills and business acumen.

• SAP experience is preferred.

Roles and Responsibilities:
• The Senior Internal Auditor for Al Yamamah Steel Industries Company (Saudi Arabia) is responsible for monitoring compliance within the organization, ensuring that the company and its employees are complying with regulatory requirements & internal policies and procedures.

• Effectively execute operational, financial and technology audit projects.

• Develop and execute RCMs (risk control matrix) and TOC (Test of controls) for the business processes reviewed and ensure high quality, thorough, documented analyses of the challenges which the business faces.
• Embody a "can-do" spirit, a sense of optimism, ownership, and commitment.

• Be a trusted advisor to various internal business department teams with a strong understanding of the company business model, processes, systems, underlying controls and an ability to influence positive change in these areas.

• Deliver assigned audit and other projects within deadlines, ensuring the work is performed with a focus on delivering the highest level of quality and value-add.

• Maintain proactive communication with the senior management and keep them updated on action plans and overall progress of audit findings.

• Be well-informed about external/ internal audit methodology, market best practices & review internal policies and procedures to establish high standards.

Minimum Qualifications:
• Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/Business Administration/Finance from a reputed university.


  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 13-10-2019, 01:10 PM
الصورة الرمزية فضل
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Dammam
المشاركات: 138,528
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21475151
فضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداع
رد: Senior Internal Auditor

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موضوع مغلق

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