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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Systems Administrator

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

Job Description Provides Information Technology (IT) services including technical, hardware, network, software, system administration, and other...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 04-06-2020, 11:33 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2020
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
Amira Al-Harbi يستحق التميز
Systems Administrator

Job Description

Provides Information Technology (IT) services including technical, hardware, network, software, system administration, and other related IT support to the end users. The system administrator will be expected to handle IT operations of the company in following key areas.

Experienced with:

Administration of Active Directory Services on Windows 2012 R2 server
Administration of Azure Active Directory and intunes
Administration of DNS server, DHCP Servers
Administration of Symantec Endpoint Protection 14 Antivirus System and 15 cloud
Administration of veritas Backup Exec 20
Administration of veritas System Recovery 18,
Administration of Windows Server 2012 r2, 2008 r2, 2019
Administration for VMware Esxi 6.7
HP DL/ML servers support (on demand)
HPE 3PAR storage
Office 365 Administration
CCTV Server management
Company’s domains hosting, and public DNS management
Support Helpdesk team for the unsolved cases

Preferable exposure with:
Multi branch support (MPLS VPN) (on demand).
SonicWALL NSA 2600 firewall, SonicWall WAF
Symantec Email Security, Malwarebytes Endpoint protection cloud.
Avaya IP Telephone system, cisco switches, HP SAN Switch
Microsoft SQL server’s basic administration (On demand)
SLA management: HP, Microsoft, ISPs, Local Partners
Services Documentation, Policies and Procedures creation on demand.
Bachelor Degree/Diploma in related fields
Experienced in handling an organization’s LAN, WAN, Internet, network hardware and software
Minimum of 5-7 years of experience in Microsoft solutions- installing, configuring, troubleshooting
Minimum of 2-4 years’ experience in managing Cisco switches, load balancers, appliances preferred
Microsoft Certifications (MCITP, MCSE), Cisco CCNA certifications preferred
Involve and support to complete infrastructure based projects.
Excellent Communication skills to act as a bridge between core users and management
Fluent in English language
Help desk and troubleshooting skills.
Ability to work under pressure and during off days & public holidays.

To apply for this opportunity, please send your resume and a cover letter and salary expectations to hr@globalcb.net
رد مع اقتباس
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 04-06-2020, 12:49 PM
مسؤول أقسام الوظائف
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2020
المشاركات: 40,749
معدل تقييم المستوى: 91
Btalah_jobs يستحق التميز
رد: Systems Administrator

الموضوع غير محدد به المدينه بالعنوان وايضا في المحتوى

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