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وظائف المنطقة الغربية جدة - مكة - الطائف - المدينة المنورة - ينبع - ومايتبعها

Sr. Architect (SA - 822)

وظائف المنطقة الغربية

Position : Sr. Architect (SA - 822) Code : SA - 822 Job Purpose We are looking for an ambitious Sr. Architect (SA - 822) to be part of PMO team in...

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قديم 18-01-2024, 11:46 AM
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2019
المشاركات: 100
معدل تقييم المستوى: 11
Um_Rodina يستحق التميز
Red face Sr. Architect (SA - 822)

Position : Sr. Architect (SA - 822)
Code : SA - 822

Job Purpose

We are looking for an ambitious Sr. Architect (SA - 822) to be part of PMO team in Makkah

Job Requirements

An Sr. Architect’s requirements include but not limited to:

Bachelor degree in engineering from an accredited university.
Minimum 10 years’ experience in
Knowledge of systems, calculations, equipment, applications of methods, materials, and computers in the discipline.
Knowledge of design field, preferred worked with recognized consulting companies or Government Organization.
Knowledge of precedents in the discipline and of principles and practices of related disciplines.
Knowledge of related construction practices and the economics involved.
Knowledge of industry / regulatory codes and standards, and design and / or layout criteria pertinent to the discipline.
Skilled in verbal and written communication.
Knowledge of engineering procedures, design guides, automated and administrative practices.
Demonstrated leadership skills. Knowledge of application and coordination of 2-D and 3-D computer aided design (CAD) tools on a project.

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

Location : Mecca, KSA
Gender : Male / Female
Contact : Please send your CV to hrksa@naga.ae with subject code id (SA - 822)

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