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قسم أرشيف الوظائف مرجع الوظائف القديمة

Retail Store Manager

قسم أرشيف الوظائف

"In Build Station, we are looking for Store Managers are Retail Management Professionals who aid in the day-to-day operations of a retail store, such...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 29-04-2024, 03:06 PM
MHG MHG غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2024
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
MHG يستحق التميز
Post Retail Store Manager

"In Build Station, we are looking for Store Managers are Retail Management Professionals who aid in the day-to-day operations of a retail store, such as overseeing employees and their schedules among other duties. They often must foster customer satisfaction by interacting with patrons directly. Managers also maintain inventory levels, implement marketing strategies, and train and motivate employees. Essentially, they’re the backbone of the store, ensuring that it’s smooth, functioning, and profitable.
Managers also occasionally greet customers, help both customers and employees and resolve concerns. By building strong relationships, store managers can boost customer loyalty, encourage repeat visits, and drive sales.
But that’s not all. Store managers are also multitasking experts who wear many hats when managing a workforce. They recruit, hire and train employees, set schedules, conduct performance evaluations, and delegate tasks. They may also help employees ***** their potential stay motivated and ensure everyone has the necessary skills and knowledge.

Person's Specification
• Bachelor's degree in commerce, business administration, or marketing.
• Diploma degree in the management or commercial studies or its equivalent.
• Participate in training courses that develop leadership skills, time management and organization, proficiency in dealing with various accounting processes, and market analysis methods.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word – Excel – PowerPoint).
• At least one of (ERP - QuickBooks – SAP – Odoo – Daftra).
• CRM:-(Salesforce- HubSpot -MS CRM).
• Outlook - Slack – Microsoft Teams.
• Minimum 4 years’ experience in the lighting industry and 2 years in finishing materials.
• Solid knowledge of the trading standards requirements in relation to the sale of goods and consumer rights.
• A comprehensive understanding of retail management and related literature.
• Awareness of and compliance with the Health and Safety Act legislation and requirements.
• Experience of effective stock control management and product display design.
Skills Set
Leadership: Involves inspiring and guiding the employees, creating a positive work environment, and fostering a culture of teamwork and collaboration.
Organization: Managing multiple tasks and projects simultaneously, prioritize tasks and make decisions quickly. Developing and maintaining systems and processes to streamline operations, increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Customer Service: This involves not only providing prompt and friendly service but also understanding customer needs, resolving customer complaints, and ensuring that customers leave the store satisfied.
Problem-Solving: Identifying, analysing and resolve issues quickly and effectively, whether they're related to inventory, customer service or employee performance. Think critically and creatively, developing innovative solutions to problems that arise.
Communication: Being able to communicate effectively with the employees, customers, and stakeholders, using a variety of communication methods and techniques. He may listen actively, seeking out and incorporating feedback and suggestions into their decision-making process.
Motivation: Having motivational skills allows managers to inspire their employees to work harder and improve themselves. Provide constructive feedback and advice to their team members.
Delegation: Delegating tasks and responsibilities to team members in a manner that ensures they have the necessary resources and support to succeed. Assess the performance of their employees, recognize areas for improvement and provide constructive feedback that helps employees grow and develop.
Multitasking: Being able to multitask to complete the work on time. Should be able to assist and supervise his team while not letting their work suffer.
Time Management: Organizing and planning how to divide the time between various tasks. Prioritizing the time to work out the urgent or important tasks first while following up with things that are not urgent but still important.
Personal Qualities
Has a flexible attitude with a desire to ensure that we provide an excellent service and plays a key part in that delivery.
Commitment to and ability to always demonstrate Build Station values and behaviours.
Able to always maintain the highest professional standards, and act as a true ambassador for the Build Station and encourage others to do the same.

Duties & Responsibilities
Financial Oversight and Management
Financial management is a key part of successful business, and store managers must understand how to handle financial aspects such as:
• Monitoring expenses.
• Analysing financial reports.
• Preparing and managing budgets.
• Identifying areas for improvement.
• Striving to achieve profitability targets.
Making informed decisions to optimize resources and minimize waste. Another part of this is analysing sales data, identifying trends and developing strategies to drive sales. In addition, they collaborate with their team to implement promotional campaigns, create attractive displays, and optimize the store layout to maximize sales potential.
Customer Service
Store managers understand that happy customers are vital to their business’s success. The manager and company strive to create an environment that fosters customer satisfaction from the moment someone steps through the door.
To do this, they must train and motivate their employees to deliver outstanding customer service. They provide guidance on how to:
• Engage with customers.
• Actively listen to their needs.
• Offer personalized assistance.
Moreover, store managers are the ultimate problem-solvers regarding customer complaints or concerns. They need to have the skills to actively listen to customer grievances and find solutions that leave them feeling understood, valued, and satisfied.

Inventory Management
Inventory management is one of the most critical tasks. Store managers must:
• Manage stock levels.
• Monitor inventory accuracy .
• Order/recommend new products.
• Create a clear process for damaged stock.
They must stay on trend by learning what’s selling well and adjusting orders accordingly to avoid overstocking or understocking. Likewise, they ensure all products are correctly priced, labelled and displayed.

Staff Training and Development
Without their team, store managers’ efforts would be challenging alone. That’s why providing training and development opportunities for employees is important. Store managers are responsible for giving staff the tools they need to succeed, including:
• On-the-job training.
• Feedback and guidance.
• Regular performance reviews.
Likewise, finding employee training solutions can help increase productivity.

General Floor Management
One key responsibility of a store manager is to oversee the efficient running of the general shop floor. The shop floor is the area of a shop accessible to the public. This excludes areas such as shop rooms, stock rooms, staff rooms and offices. General floor management involves the overseeing of daily operations, such as the opening and closing routines, to ensure staff complete all tasks in an efficient manner. In ensuring the shop is functioning efficiently, shop managers are ensuring maximum profitability for the company.

Human Resource Duties
Human resources, or HR, is the department of a business that handles everything relating to staff management. Shop managers handle HR and personnel responsibilities within their daily duties. One HR task shop managers handle is the hiring of new members of staff. This includes ensuring new staff have a positive work ethos and the necessary experience to fulfil their role.

Health and Safety
"Health and safety are serious obligations and considerations in any shop. Health and safety refer to regulations and procedures intended to prevent accidents or injuries in workplaces. Shop managers establish security and safety measures and ensure safety information is distributed among staff.
One of the common health and safety protocols workplaces adhere to is fire safety. It is the role of a manager to ensure the entire of the staff know the emergency protocol related to fire hazards. This includes ensuring there are no obstructions to fire exits, areas are properly sign-posted, and that staff are aware of their responsibilities during events such as a fire."

رد مع اقتباس
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 29-04-2024, 03:46 PM
مسؤول أقسام الوظائف
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2020
المشاركات: 40,812
معدل تقييم المستوى: 91
Btalah_jobs يستحق التميز
رد: Retail Store Manager

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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
administration, bachelor's, business, commerce, degree, manager, marketing, retail, retail store manager-, store

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