03-05-2009, 04:36 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
الدولة: طاعة ربي ..ورضآهـ
المشاركات: 8,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21474887
These are the correct answers
Select the ONE lettered answer that is BEST in each question:
1) run + -ed:
A. runned.
B. runed.
C. runied.
D. None of all above.
"Ran " is the true answer
2) wish + -s:
A. wishes.
B. wishs.
C. wishies.
D. None of all above
3) matrix + "-s":
A. matrises.
B. matrixs.
C. matrixes.
D. None of all above
4) read + -ed:
A. read.
B. readed.
C. readded.
D. None of all above
5) love + -ing:
A. loving
B. loveing
C. lovving
D. None of all above
6) Choose the correct sentence:
A. Dogs drink a water.
B. Dogs drink water.
C. Dogs drink the water.
D. Dogs drinks water.
E. Dogs drinks the water
7) Choose the correct sentence:
A. Play with me.
B. Played with me.
C. Playing with me.
D. None of all above
8) 10:45 is read in British clock as:
A. ten and forty five o'clock.
B. quarter to eleven o'clock.
C. quarter to ten o'clock.
D. quarter past ten o'clock.
E. quarter past eleven o'clock
9) 9/10/2005AD is written as:
A. nine/ten/twenty-fife AD.
B. nine/ten/two thousand five AD.
C. nine/ten/two thousand five BC.
D. None of all above
10) The most difference between British and American ******** is:
A. Grammar
B. Vocabulary.
C. How to pronounce words.
D. None of all above
11)Complete the negative statements with contractions.
1. I am a professor. _I 'm not ______________________ a president.
___________I'm not____________ a doctor.
2. You are a doctor. __You aren't_____________________ a secretary.
_______You're not ________________ a secretary.
3. We are friends. ___We're not____________________ enemies.
_________We aren't ______________ enemies.
4. They are biologists. ____They're not___________________ conductors.
________They aren't_______________ conductors
12)Complete each sentence by writing the correct form of the verb.
1. listen The teacher ___listens ________________ to the student.
2. study Willy ____studies _______________ the English ********.
3. read He ________reads___________ English every day.
4. answer Professor Simona ___answers _____________ the student’s questions.
5. teach He usually ______teaches _____________ basic English.
6. write He often ______writes_____________ on the blackboard.
7. draw The students sometimes ________draw___________ on the blackboard.
8. speak The teacher and the students _______speak________ in the classroom.
9. do Most students ____do_______________ their homework.
10. have Helen _______has____________ two pencils and a pen.
11. use She often ______uses_____________ her pen in class.
12. practice The students _______practice ____________ English every day
13)Change the Present Tense sentence to a Past Tense sentence. Use a past time expression.
1. Maria is at the library. (last night)
_Maria was at the library last night.
2. The professor is in the office. (a day ago)
The professor was in the office a day ago
3. We are in the classroom. (last week)
We were in the classroom last week
4. I am in the kitchen. (last year)
I was in the kitchen last year.
5. You are in your automobile. (last night)
You were in your automobile last night.
6. They are in the restaurant. (two days ago)
They were in the restaurant two days ago.
7. The doctor is in the clinic. (a month ago)
The doctor was in the clinic a month ago.
8. Maria and Harold are at the baseball game. (last weekend)
8. Maria and Harold were at the baseball game last weekend.
14)Identify the plural noun in each sentence. Underline each plural noun.
Read each sentence aloud.
1. There are usually 12 pencils in a package.
2. There were many dishes on the desk.
3. There were two glasses on the desk.
4. There were also two knives on the desk.
5. Professor and Mrs. Hill have several children.
6. The yardstick is three feet.
7. You use the wool of sheep for *******.
8. New York and Los Angeles are two large American cities.
9. ***** and Madrid are fine places for tourists.
10. More than 20 tomatoes went into that sauce.
11. Children must always be careful with matches.
12. There are many fish in the sea.