21-11-2013, 10:35 AM
عضو جديد![](images/0stars.gif)
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2007
المشاركات: 3
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
هذا الايميل جاني بعد ما اختبرت انجليزي في https://neovartis.sc-oasys.com
Dear Applicants,
First, we want to thank you for your interest in GIB and submitting your application for the position of “Customer Service”.
M***ng forward, it is our pleasure to inform you that you have successfully passed the English test, and you will proceed to the next step in the application process, which is an interactive assessment *****hop. During this assessment you will be asked to perform various tasks and activities in order to assess your skills and capabilities. The assessment will take place in AlKhobar on 10th and 11th of December. We will send you the details of the assessment by next week. Kindly ensure that you will be able to attend on those dates.
المشكلة ما ادري كيف وضع البنك من ناحية رواتب ومميزات لاني موظف الان في احد الشركات و متردد لو عطوني عرض هل اروح ولا
بس الواضح انهم مماطلين ووضعهم يخوف بصراحه من تعاملهم غير الاحترافي
الله يكتب الي فيه الخير