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العودة   حلول البطالة Unemployment Solutions > قسم وظائف القطاع الخاص > وظائف المنطقة الشرقية


وظائف المنطقة الشرقية الدمام - الخبر - الأحساء - الظهران - الخفجي .. ومايتبعها فقط

Sales Representative - Khobar

وظائف المنطقة الشرقية

Samara Trading Group announces a vacancy for Sales Representative to work in Khobar The ideal candidate will be responsible for building and...

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  #1 (permalink)  
قديم 15-05-2023, 03:15 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2023
المشاركات: 17
معدل تقييم المستوى: 5
SAMARA1 يستحق التميز
Sales Representative - Khobar

Samara Trading Group announces a vacancy for Sales Representative to work in Khobar

The ideal candidate will be responsible for building and maintaining a strong sales pipeline. You will do so by identifying key business opportunities and segmented prospects. Your goal will be to meet or exceed our annual quota and increase our revenue

Build pipeline and maintain long-term relationships with prospects
Identify new business opportunities to generate opportunities
Monitors competition by gathering current marketplace information on pricing, products, new products, delivery schedules, and merchandising techniques
Services existing accounts, obtains orders, and establishes new accounts by planning and organizing daily work schedule to call on existing or potential sales outlets and other trade factors
Develop annual sales strategy and goals
Leverage sales tools and resources to identify new sales leads and nurture prospect relationships
Collaborate with sales leaders
Focuses sales efforts by studying existing and potential volume of dealers

Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience
Strong presentation, negotiation, and closing skills
5+ years' of sales experience
Proven history meeting or exceeding quota and closing sales
Experience in developing and executing territory sales strategies
Self-motivated and able to work independently to meet or exceed goals

Who is interested please send your CV and mention the title at subject to below Email:Hiring@samaragroup.com.sa
Work Location: ،Khobar - Saudi Arabia
رد مع اقتباس
  #2 (permalink)  
قديم 15-05-2023, 04:05 PM
مسؤول أقسام الوظائف
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2020
المشاركات: 41,968
معدل تقييم المستوى: 93
Btalah_jobs يستحق التميز
رد: Sales Representative - Khobar

جزاك الله خيرا

رد مع اقتباس
  #3 (permalink)  
قديم 16-05-2023, 02:08 AM
الصورة الرمزية فضل
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2006
الدولة: Dammam
المشاركات: 140,043
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21475154
فضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداعفضل محترف الإبداع
رد: Sales Representative - Khobar

جزاك الله خير

ومن يعمل من الصالحات وهو مؤمن فلا يخاف ظلما ولا هضما

رد مع اقتباس
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